This is a collection of shaders that allows integration of a decal texture over another texture in your material, instead of creating game objects with materials to simulate decals. It also allows the whole material to progressively transform into another one.
The package includes shaders allowing creation of material using common shader textures and parameters (including normal map, metalness, glossiness & emission) and addition of another texture as a decal with its own specific parameters.
Decal will use underlying material normal to enhance effect, and decal opacity may be adjusted. Main material can be progressively transformed into another material with different textures and parameters, along with the decal transformation.
There also is a shader allowing transformation into a third material.
Use it for transforming new metal into rust or shiny plastic into dirty, deteriorate clean wood floor or create your own special effect !
3 shaders are included :
Decal - Allows decal application on main material and disappearance of decal only.
Decal And Transform - Same as previous except main material may transform.
Decal And Transform 2 Phases - Material transformation may cover 2 phases.
Also included are complete documentation, example scene, and many transition effect textures.
Inquiries, questions, feedback or suggestions can be adressed to e.manya@outlook.com