2.5D coins animation pack (sequences + spine2d export)
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2.5D coins animation pack (sequences + spine2d export)Introducing the 2D Coins Asset Pack! This page contains a variety of high-quality, 2D point sprites that can be easily added to your video game or other digital projects. Whether you're creating an endless runner, a side-scrolling platformer, or a virtual marketplace, this asset pack has you covered.The coins have been optimized for smooth animation, making it easy to add collectible coins to your game and provide players with a satisfying reward for their efforts.This asset pack includes:sequencesgifsprite sheetsjson (spine 2d export)This package requires spine-unity Runtime 4.1:http://ru.esotericsoftware.com/spine-unity-downloadDocumentation to help you install and work with spine-unity Runtime:http://ru.esotericsoftware.com/spine-unityDocumentation that will help you customize json as you need:https://en.esotericsoftware.com/spine-unity-mix-and-match