This is a VR application that creates two different image gallery. The first image gallery displays three images and an interactive menu to move between all the pictures. The second gallery generates a nxm matrix of pictures in the scene and the user can move between them using the headset. All selections are made using a loading bar. A button layout menu is also ready for use (actions are just based on creating a debug.Log).
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This package contains the following:
-The necessary FBX, textures, models, scripts shown in the video.
-Scripts manage the interaction with the pictures and gallery generation.
-Two different gallery types in separated scenes.
-Complete documentation/video tutorial to understand the principles of each package and full email support at: michael.soler.beatty@gmail.com.
This package needs the following
Unity googleVR SDK 0.8 (at least this version).
download googleVR SDK 0.8