Using Roads & RailWay Maker, you can create:
- Race Tracks
- Roads
- Railway
- Together Roads and Railways
- Model Railway
- Simultaneous use of several trains
- Simultaneous use of car and trains
What Can you do with created models:
- Save as prefab then use as you like
- Let your game users to create real time tracks then play with them
- Create Models Railway then create game level
Some features:
- Trains, Wagons and Cars already integrated in the model
- Rail Crossing System
- Rail Interchanges System
- Overbridge
- Overpass
- Road / Rail Crossing
- Stationmaster panel control
- Rail Interchanges real-time changing direct on gear or by stationmaster panel
- Real-time view trains position on stationmaster panel
- Real-time change trains speed on stationmaster panel
- Support how many trains you like individually controlled on stationmaster panel
- Train stop on station
- Train Anti collision system
- Train controller system
- Train wagons system
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