This tool is no longer required. Unity natively supports Retina displays in WebGL builds.
I'll keep it up for a bit incase anyone has a legacy project.Add Retina/HDPI resolution support to your WebGL builds with the click of a button. Eliminates the blurry textures and text seen on Macs running Unity WebGL builds. Now Supports Unity 2019.
- Add retina support to WebGL builds.
- Control resolution at runtime on any browser (not just retina).
- Different resolutions on desktop and mobile in the same build.
- Control how fix is applied, automatically or manually etc via settings window.
- Remove the warning popup shown in WebGL builds running on mobile devices.
- Customise error messages displayed by Unity WebGL builds.
- Support for 'Name Files as Hashes'
Free evaluation version
Quick Start
Create a WebGL build, then go to menu item:
Hbx>WebGL>Fix Last Build
This will apply the fix to the last WebGL build you created with Unity. Alternatively you can apply the fix to an existing build by going to menu item:
Hbx>WebGL>Fix Existing Build
Then selecting an existing WebGL build folder (the folder containing index.html and the Build folder).
Goodbye blur :)
Important Notes:
- You Must have a css style on the canvas container controlling it's width and height. If you don't have one the canvas will keep growing.
- This script depends on find and replace so is only guaranteed to work with the versions of Unity it has been tested against (5.6, 2017.3, 2018.1.6f1, 2018.2.0f2, 2019.1.8f1). Hopefully Unity will eventually support this out of the box.
- This script will Not add Retina support to standalone desktop builds, only WebGL.