Colorful asset with many details; Draw buildings any size with tilemaps! Contains over 300 spritesAsset includes:More than 300 sprites14 animated trees + bushesAnimated air conditionerAnimated wind66 ground tiles (There are 2 types of ground tiles, You need to match them)road tile10 building tilesNormal maps for sprites and tilesDay time, evening time, night time4-layered background (15 clouds, 3 buildings and sky layer)Bonus UI elements (game coin, gem, 6 different pixel buttons)Bonus animation (explosion, dove's flight)Ready Unity scene with customized tile palettesC# script for camera (controller)-- Documentation-- I hope this asset will help to improve your game and you will like using it!If you have questions about this asset you can contact me in Telegram, or write on GmailUnity 2021+