With FM Remote Desktop Add-on, you can create your own Remote Desktop control system for your home, office and studio.-> This version is not compatible with FMETP STREAM 6(the latest core) ->-> If you are using FMETP STREAM 6, please refer to FM Remote Desktop 2(Add-on) -> IMPORTANT: FM Remote Desktop Add-on is an Add-on feature, which requires FMETP STREAM 4.0. Please make sure that you've already owned the core asset before purchasing Add-on.For FMETP STREAM 4.0 user, please import the support package from the root folder "packageSupportForFMETPSTREAM4.unitypackage"In case that you need any help, please feel free to reach us for technical support: thelghome@gmail.comWebpage | Forum | Youtube | Twitter | Facebook | Docs & APIs----------------------------------------------------------------With FM Remote Desktop Add-on, you can create your own Remote Desktop control system for your home, office and studio.You can control your Mac(OSX) and PC(Windows) remotely, via any Unity Supported Platforms, including Mobile and VR devices.This add-on feature is compatible with FM Network and FM WebSocket.This module is also compatible with PUN2, UNet and other networking system with byte[] streaming support.CompatibilityCapture: PC/MacControl: iOS/Android/WebGL/PC/Mac/Linux/VR/AR/HL2...----------------------------------------------------------------Complete demo scenes with FM Network are included.Meta Quest VR Template is available via github: https://github.com/frozenmistadventure/fmetp_tutorial_questvr_stream+ As first release, we will add more example scenes soon in the coming updates.# All Core Source Codes are written in C#, which fits many AR/VR Startups, indie developers, and students# All Core parts are applied in many exhibitions in past few years----------------------------------------------------------------FMETP STREAM 3.0 Add-on feature:FM Remote Desktop Control, Mouse, Keyboard