A set of three slime creatures. They come configured to be colored by the shader and are rigged and animated.Three lovely bouncy slimes. The animations are built for a NavmeshAgent, they can blend between a speed of 0 to 2 smoothly, have two attacks each and are ready to receive some damage too. The Shader 3 Animated Slime Meshes:1072-2652 Triangles3 Custom Collision Meshes:48-80Triangles14 Animations per Slime:_Pose [Single Frame]Agent_IdleAgent_Velocity_050Agent_Velocity_100BS_Angry_0-1 [Blenshape Animation]BS_Angry_1-0 [Blenshape Animation]Combat_Attack_1Combat_Attack_2Event_AttentionEvent_DeathEvent_DespawnEvent_SpawnEvent_TakeDamageState_Hidden [Single Frame]2 Textures per Slime:2048x2048 ResolutionGrayscale for Coloring with the ShaderRGB Mask for Coloring Eyes and Eyeballs too