This is a set of sprites for your game. The set consists of 47 individual sprites.
Resolution of each image 1024x1024.
Here is a list of all the sprites...
coin with "c" symbol, coin with dollar symbol,
aid kit with green cross, aid kit with red cross,
repair key,
shield, sword,
blue key, green key, red key, yellow key,
closed blue lock, closed green lock,
closed red lock, closed yellow lock,
open blue lock, open green lock,
open red lock, open yellow lock,
blue exclamation mark,
green exclamation mark,
red exclamation mark,
yellow exclamation mark,
blue question mark, green question mark,
red question mark, yellow question mark,
blue large potion, blue middle potion,
blue small potion,
green large potion, green middle potion,
green small potion,
purple large potion, purple middle potion,
purple small potion,
red large potion, red middle potion,
red small potion,
yellow large potion, yellow middle potion,
yellow small potion.