Virtual Reality is changing the way we see the world. From cardboard buddies we want to keep things simple and we have been developing wide variety of packages for our customers. Today, we present our newest Unity package in which we take immersion to a new stage.
Users will be able to move both hands in the real world, by simple hand tracking (image binarization), without the need of openCV or additional haptic hardware. The idea is to divide the camera feedback into two sectors (right and left, in which the right and left hand are positioned). With this package, you will be able to create a cool boxing game and you will have the tools to move your hands in space and interact with objects. Notice that the optimal way of using this package is when hands are placed symmetrically regarding the device camera.
Thanks for your support and helps us bring Virtual Reality to life.
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This package contains the following:
-The necessary FBX, textures, models, scripts shown in the “apk”. This includes weapon models, environment models and button models.
-Scripts manage the hand tracking of both hands.
-Two demo scenes (one with the binary test and the other is the boxing game). The main scene is the one we have tried to implement something similar to a boxing game.
-Complete documentation to understand the principles of each package and full email support at: michael.soler.beatty@gmail.com.
-Please check our Videos for more information.
This package needs the following:
-Google VR SDK=0.8 googleVR 0.8
-Two black gloves (for each of your hands) and a white wall (for binarization). Alternatively, you can paste a black marker on your hand if you do not want to use a glove in front of a white wall.
-It does NOT need OpenCV, Vuforia or other software/hardware