Manga Medieval Character Pack
The Set includes 8 animated Character Manga Stile Low Poly ideal for filling environments
Each model is ready prefabricated with LOD to be inserted in your scene
Number Models:
1 WarriorGirl-46 Animations-6 Color TextureAtlas png
knight-14 Animations -6 Color TextureAtlas png
CitizenMan 10 Animations -6 Color TextureAtlas png
CitizenManFat 10 Animations -6 Color TextureAtlas png
CitizenBoy 10 Animations -6 Color TextureAtlas png
CitizenWoman-10 Animations -6 Color TextureAtlas png
CitizenWomanFat-10 Animations -6 Color TextureAtlas png
CitizenGirl-10 Animations -6 Color TextureAtlas png
6 Atlas Texture for 6 Different Color Png
10 Atlas Texture Hair For 10 Different Color Png
Not include Normal Texture
The characters are includes:
Character-Man Glasses, Boots, Beard,mustache,hair.
Character Woman-Glasses, Papillon ,Hair.
Character-WarriorGirl Sword, Bow, Helmet, Arrows, Aair.
Character knight-Sword, Spear, Helmet, Hair, Sheaths.
Including Simple Script for eye animation
1 LOD for each character
Bench included.
Is used:
Not Include Toon Shading.
This package is not 'designed to have high quality models, but aims to have simple low-polygon models, quality, animations, to fill large scenes with low performance impact
1-Models Lowpoly saving on quantities of polygons
Using a few bones but that guarantee a realistic movement necessary in order to ease the calculation.
Using short animations, big impact, Savings Calculation.
Including homestyle considerable savings calculation.
Included LOD mesh for computing performance more fast and efficient:
The package and 'made with the utmost care to ensure optimization and the lowest possible impact on computing performance into play.
The package and 'made with the utmost care to ensure optimization and the lowest possible impact on computing performance into play.
Elkan all packages include prefabricated already set models simply enter in the scene.