UIButton extends the functionality of Unity’s native Button component. Because of that it is 100% compatible with uGUI and with any asset that takes advantage of native UI components.
Easy to use, with an intuitive Inspector interface, you’ll be able to create almost any type of button you may want, in just a few clicks. Imagine a native Button component on steroids! :)
Requires DOTween or DOTween Pro to be imported and setup in the project before importing the UIButton package.
Video Tutorials | Documentation | Forum | Support
- Use native uGUI (100% compatibility)
- Editor integration, WYSIWYG
- Easy to learn. Intuitive design
- Use UnityEvents to trigger anything (zero code)
- Animator System
- Sound System
- Effects System. ParticleSystems inside the UI
- Supports all platforms
- Extensively optimized
- Mobile friendly
- Comes with full C# source code
- Dedicated support
- Video Tutorials on our YouTube Channel
Reacts to:
On Hover Enter | On Hover Exit
On Pointer Down | On Pointer Up
On Click | On Double Click | On Long Click
Using UnityEvents you can trigger instantly one or more methods using persistent and/or non-persistent listeners. Easy!
Animator: that uses DOTween as its main tweening engine.
7 Animation Types: PunchMove, PunchRotate, PunchScale, Move, Rotate, Scale, Fade
110 Animation Presets
- Customizable – modify them with ease
- Reusable – copy them to other projects
- Synchronized – updating a preset, updates all the other buttons that use it
Sound: use either an AudioClip or a sound file located under a Resources folder by entering its filename.
Effects: trigger ParticleSystems with ease. Works flawlessly with native ParticleSystem helping you use them inside the UI.
Supports all export platforms with excellent performance for mobile games.
As game devs ourselves, we are dedicated to continually improving and expanding DoozyUI, based on everyone's feedback, and providing top-notch support. This is the standalone module of the UIButton that will come integrated inside DoozyUI 3.0 and up.
--- Doozy Entertainment ---
DoozyUI: Complete UI Management System
Playmaker Actions for DOTween
UI Kit – Basic Design
Game Icons Pack - Basic Design
Game Icons Pack - Gold Edition
Game Icons Pack - Diamond Plate Edition
Game Icons Pack - Knitted Edition
Game Icons Pack - Wood Edition
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