DX11 only
This package contains the Exterior environment from our demo Adam. We have done some minor additional work on it to make it more suitable for release, but our main focus while building this environment was only on the actual camera locations shown in the main demo.
The package includes:
- Environment art assets
- Post-processing effects
- Scanned assets from Megascans, obtained with permission.
- Sky from NoEmotionHDRs
- Some assets based on data from OpenTopography.org
To create this environment, we used some tools we wrote ourselves on top of Unity, e.g. for placement of vegetation and blending of terrain textures. We did not include these in the package, because they were too unpolished and project-specific, so they wouldn’t be too useful.
Please note that we are releasing the Adam Exterior Pack under a custom EULA, which does not allow commercial use.
Be aware that the assets we’re releasing from the “Adam” demo were created with the specific project in mind, so we can’t offer any guarantees about how they will perform in your project.
They have been tested to work with 5.4.1. Compatibility with other versions not guaranteed, so please use at your own discretion.
NoEmotionHDRs by Peter Sanitra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Based on a work at http://noemotionhdrs.net. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://noemotionhdrs.net. No changes were made.
OpenTopography assets:
This material is based on data services provided by the OpenTopography Facility with support from the National Science Foundation under NSF Award Numbers 1226353 & 1225810. Dataset: Grigsby, S., 2013, Leaf-on Lidar point cloud data for solar site assessment of the CU-Boulder campus, Department of Geography, University of Colorado at Boulder, digital media.