The materials of this asset must be upgraded with Unitys automatic material upgrade tool if this asset is used in the Universal Render Pipeline or HDRender Pipeline.for URP: go to Edit / Render Pipeline / Universal Render Pipeline / Upgrade Project Materials to UniversalRP Materialsfor HDRP: go to Edit / Render Pipeline / Upgrade Project Materials to High Definition MaterialsThis mega pack contains 5 spaceship models of supersized capital class ships. All ships have animated modular weapons and 6 different texture sets.With this mega pack you save 25% compared to purchasing the models separately.-1 Super Dreadnought-1 Super Carrier-1 Dreadnought-1 Super Large Cargo Transport-1 Colonization Ship-modular weapons-torpedoes + missiles-changeable decals-8 damage decals-6 different texture sets-PBR textures (specular)-Ready to use prefabs of all models are includedURP / HDRPThe materials of this asset must be upgraded with Unitys automatic material upgrade tool if this asset is used in the Universal Render Pipeline or HDRender Pipeline.for URP: go to Edit / Render Pipeline / Universal Render Pipeline / Upgrade Project Materials to UniversalRP Materialsfor HDRP: go to Edit / Render Pipeline / Upgrade Project Materials to High Definition Materials