The materials of this asset must be upgraded with Unitys automatic material upgrade tool if this asset is used in the Universal Render Pipeline or HDRender Pipeline.for URP: go to Edit / Render Pipeline / Universal Render Pipeline / Upgrade Project Materials to UniversalRP Materialsfor HDRP: go to Edit / Render Pipeline / Upgrade Project Materials to High Definition MaterialsThis mega pack contains 23 animated scifi weapons with equipment and ammunition. They can be used in any scifi themed first or 3rd person action game. All models have 5 different texture sets and are available for single purchase too.With this mega pack you save 25% compared to purchasing the models separately.-4 animated pistols-3 animated energy pistols-3 Animated submachine guns-3 animated shotguns-3 hand grenades-3 mines-3 explosive devices-1 remote detonator-Removable magazines-Modular equipment-Ironsights, reflex sight + scope-Ammunition-Empty and full magazines-5 different texture sets-PBR textures (specular)-Ready to use prefabs of all models are includedURP / HDRPThe materials of this asset must be upgraded with Unitys automatic material upgrade tool if this asset is used in the Universal Render Pipeline or HDRender Pipeline.for URP: go to Edit / Render Pipeline / Universal Render Pipeline / Upgrade Project Materials to UniversalRP Materialsfor HDRP: go to Edit / Render Pipeline / Upgrade Project Materials to High Definition Materials