The character animation was created with the spine 2D.
The assets include the following items:
1. Spine Project Files
- You can modify as many as you want.
- BUT. You must own the full version of Spine.
2. Spine character animation
- Idle
- Walk
- Run
- Jump
- Attack
- Cast
3. 140 Items imges
- 35 sleeveless T-shirt
- 35 hats & hair style
- 75 cute weapon
You can change the hats (hair style) with weapons in Unity.
By using the attached image it will be.
Be replace the images contained in this items (bones) below.
- Weapon: arm_weapon
- Hats & hair: face_hair
If you want to use this asset, you should download the appropriate Spine runtimes.
The runtimes can be downloaded from EsotericSoftware's Github.
[Github / EsotericSoftware / spine-runtimes]