*No coding skills required*
Encourage your users to rate your game with RateBox for iOS and Android. RateBox will increase your game rating and number of reviews in AppStore, Play Market and Amazon AppStore.
Add RateBox to your game literally in 5 minutes. Check out an online video tutorial for non-coders
documentation to learn about code structure.
RateBox asks to rate your game just in the right time based on the metrics it tracks. For example, RateBox collects and permanently stores
- Installation, launch and prompt times
- Session and custom events count
- App version
- Detect Internet availability
RateBox features:
- Almost no coding needed
- Prompt at the ideal moment based on metrics
-Support native iOS and Android dialogs and custom Unity UI windows
-Support new iOS 10.3 review feature -SKStoreReviewController
- Detect application updates to ask for review again
- Detect Internet availability not to bother the user
- Wait timeout between prompts
- A demo scene and a documentation are included
- Store metrics permanently on the device
- Email support from the developer
Last version of Alert asset is included in price (http://u3d.as/AGX)
14-Days, No Question Asked, 100% Money Back Guarantee
Happy to answer any questions at paperplanetools@gmail.com