A very smooth and precise mobile 3rd person shooter control.
Optimized for iOS and Android.
Attack Zombie Mobile
Demo with 9 realtime lights there.
- iPhone6Plus : 60 fps
Android APK |
- Smooth/precise mobile 3rd person shooter control
- Mobile have same behavior as editor
- Modular 3D assets
- Zombie with replaceable-body-part
- Clean, easy to understand C# code
- Allow unrestricted modification
- Use TouchScript for input
- Camera won't go through floor or flip over
- Add zoomable camera
- Add single-mesh zombie
- Add Unity UI control
- Add light-baked scene example
- Optimize various prefabs
- New customizable enemy wave system
- Multiple maps example
- Restructure entire project
- New desert map
If you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line at :
Your rating, review and feedback are greatly appreciated.
This is a base template for a game and is not a full game. Therefore, scripting or additional art will be required if you wish to produce a full game using it.
Please check out :
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Your time and feedback is greatly appreciated and also help us further improve the asset.